Yemeni tribes call for mobilization against Saudi Arabia

Yemeni tribes from across the country have called for mobilization against Saudi Arabia’s deadly war on the Arab world’s poorest nation, Press TV reports.
Men of Hamdan, one of Yemen’s most powerful tribes, rallied to the north of the capital, Sana’a, vowing to provide support in the form of potential mobilization for the country’s fighters resisting the Saudi aggression.
“Tribesmen of Hamdan have marched in support of the popular resistance against the Saudi invasion and occupation of our country. Anyone who dares to invade our territories should know that Yemen has been and will always be the graveyard of invaders. As we trust Allah, we do not fear their internationally-banned weapons as victory is on our side,” said one demonstrator.
Hundreds of tribesmen from the southern parts of the country held a gathering in the capital. The participants pledged union against what they described as a US-Israeli initiative targeting the country, which was being implemented by Saudi Arabia.
This grab photo shows Yemeni tribesmen during an event in the capital, Sana’a, on February 4, 2016 to denounce the Saudi aggression against the country.
“Yemenis from the north and the south are united against such US-Saudi project,” said a keynote speaker at the event.
Yemen has been under military attacks by Saudi Arabia since late March last year in a bid to bring the country’s fugitive former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, a Riyadh ally, back to power.
Over 8,270 people, among them 2,236 children, have been killed and 16,015 others injured since the onset of the aggression. The strikes have also taken a heavy toll on the impoverished country’s facilities and infrastructure, destroying many hospitals, schools, and factories.
A recent damning UN report verified that the aggressors have targeted civilians in Yemen, documenting 119 sorties that violated international humanitarian law.
“We know that the United Arab Emirates also has an interest in keeping our port of Aden under its domination. They want terrorist organizations such as al-Qaeda and Daesh to gain power in Aden,” the speaker added.
The Yemen-based al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has exploited the volatile conditions and the breakdown of security in Yemen since the beginning of the Saudi war to tighten its grip on parts of southeastern Yemen.
The Daesh Takfiri terrorist group has also gained ground in and around Aden.
Ansarullah fighters, along with allied army units, are fighting the Takfiri militants and countering the Saudi aggression against the war-torn country.

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