Over 140 Civilians Killed in 2,300 Cases of Terrorists' Attacks on Aleppo in Ten Days

Over 140 Civilians Killed in 2,300 Cases of Terrorists' Attacks on Aleppo in Ten Days

Aleppo (FNA)- At least 146 civilians have been killed and over 1,103 others wounded in terrorist groups' brutal shelling of residential areas, hospitals and shopping centers across the Northern city of Aleppo in the last 10 days, city sources announced.
"52 children, 33 women and 61 men were among the killed civilians in the 10-day-long attacks of the terrorist groups," the sources said.
"Over 432 children, 356 women and 315 men were injured in the rocket and mortar attacks on non-military areas in the city," the sources added.
"Over 2,300 cases of attacks by the terrorist groups of al-Nusra Front, al-Shamiyeh Front, Ahrar al-Sham and the Free Syrian Army were carried out on the city districts," they said.
The sources further added that the terrorist groups used mortars, gas canisters and 107mm rockets in the attacks on the Northern city.
The attacks by terrorists against civilian targets come as Syrian Army forces and their allies are surging in Aleppo to begin a massive operation against terrorists.
Violence in Syria, and particularly in Aleppo, has intensified in recent days, despite a partial truce.
Reports said on Tuesday that the terrorist groups' rocket units targeted two neighborhoods and a hospital in Aleppo, inflicting heavy casualties on the civilians, patients and hospital staff.
"At least 11 civilians were killed and many more were wounded in over 65 cases of terrorists' rocket attacks on residential areas along the streets of al-Neel, al-Sabeel, Mocambo and al-Razi hospital," the sources said, adding, "The terrorist groups also detonated a tunnel-bomb near Air Force Intel before launching attacks on the army-controlled Jam'iyat al-Zahra area."
"The terrorist groups' shelling of the hospital of al-Deet in the Central part of Aleppo city has ended in a large number of civilian casualties," local residents said.
"The number of civilian casualties is on the rise," they further added.
"The Pro-government forces have rushed to the scene of the incident to assist the victims," the sources said.

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