Syrian Army, Allies Push Terrorists Back, Restore Security to Aleppo Districts

Syrian Army, Allies Push Terrorists Back, Restore Security to Aleppo Districts

TEHRAN (FNA)- Syrian soldiers and Hezbollah fighters, backed up by the country's fighter jets and Russian artillery units, repelled the terrorist groups' offensives and in a rapid coordinated counterattack stormed the militants' positions and drove them back from the districts of Aleppo.
At least 70 members of the terrorist groups of al-Nusra Front, Nouriddeen al-Zinki movement and Jeish al-Muhajireen Wal Ansar were killed and many more were wounded in their failed attacks on the government forces' strongholds across Aleppo's Northern and Northwestern districts.
The terrorists withdrew forces from Al-Zahra Association Quarter, the Air Force Intelligence (AFI) building, the Great Prophet Mosque and al-Zahra-Lairamoun axis, under the heavy fire, bombardments and attacks of the Syrian government forces.
In relevant development across the Northern city of Aleppo on Tuesday, the terrorist groups stormed the pro-government forces' strongholds from five different directions of al-Lairamoun, surrounding of Air Force Intel, Dar al-Aytam Building, al-Maliyeh- Qasr al-Adli Square towards Jam'iyat al-Zahra neighborhood, Family House and Scientific Research building near al-Rashedeen1 and Akthar al-Bazar Institute.
The Syrian military forces defended their positions strongly and did not allow the terrorist groups to break through the government forces' lines of defense.
The terrorist groups that faced the army's heavy fire fled the battlefield after leaving behind scores of the dead and wounded members.  

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